You're reading the documentation for a development version.
For the latest stable release version, please have a look at vTEST.



QSysify is a tool which is able to generate a QSys IP (tcl script) from a SpinalHDL component by analysing its IO definition. It currently implement the following interfaces features :

  • Master/Slave AvalonMM

  • Master/Slave APB3

  • Clock domain input

  • Reset output

  • Interrupt input

  • Conduit (Used in last resort)


In the case of a UART controller :

case class AvalonMMUartCtrl(...) extends Component{
  val io = new Bundle{
    val bus =  slave(AvalonMM(AvalonMMUartCtrl.getAvalonMMConfig))
    val uart = master(Uart())


The following main will generate the Verilog and the QSys TCL script with io.bus as an AvalonMM and io.uart as a conduit :

object AvalonMMUartCtrl{
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    //Generate the Verilog
    val toplevel = SpinalVerilog(AvalonMMUartCtrl(UartCtrlMemoryMappedConfig(...))).toplevel

    //Add some tags to the avalon bus to specify it's clock domain (information used by QSysify) addTag(ClockDomainTag(toplevel.clockDomain))

    //Generate the QSys IP (tcl script)


Because QSys require some information that are not specified in the SpinalHDL hardware specification, some tags should be added to interface:

AvalonMM / APB3

io.bus addTag(ClockDomainTag(busClockDomain))

Interrupt input

io.interrupt addTag(InterruptReceiverTag(relatedMemoryInterfacei, interruptClockDomain))

Reset output

io.resetOutput addTag(ResetEmitterTag(resetOutputClockDomain))

Adding new interface support

Basically, the QSysify tool can be setup with a list of interface emitter (as you can see here)

You can create your own emitter by creating a new class extending QSysifyInterfaceEmiter