You're reading the documentation for a latest stable version vTEST.

How to HACK this documentation

If you want to add your page to this documentation you need to add your source file in the appropriate section. I opted to create a structure that resample the various section of the documentation, this is not strictly necessary, but for clarity sake, highly encourage.

This documentation uses a recursive index tree: every folder have a special index.rst files that tell sphinx which file, and in what order to put it in the documentation tree.

Title convention

Sphinx is very smart, the document structure is deduced from how you use non alphanumerical characters (like: = - ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >), you only need to be consistent. Still, for consistency sakes we use this progression:

  • = over and underline for section titles

  • = underline for titles

  • - underline for paragraph

  • ^ for subparagraph

Wavedrom integration

This documentation makes use of the sphinxcontrib-wavedrom plugin, So you can specify a timing diagram, or a register description with the WaveJSON syntax like so:

.. wavedrom::

   { "signal": [
      { "name": "pclk", "wave": "p......." },
      { "name": "Pclk", "wave": "P......." },
      { "name": "nclk", "wave": "n......." },
      { "name": "Nclk", "wave": "N......." },
      { "name": "clk0", "wave": "phnlPHNL" },
      { "name": "clk1", "wave": "xhlhLHl." },
      { "name": "clk2", "wave": "hpHplnLn" },
      { "name": "clk3", "wave": "nhNhplPl" },
      { "name": "clk4", "wave": "xlh.L.Hx" }

and you get:


if you want the Wavedrom diagram to be present in the pdf export, you need to use the “non relaxed” JSON dialect. long story short, no javascript code and use " around key value (Eg. "name").

you can describe register mapping with the same syntax:

  {"bits": 8, "name": "things"},
  {"bits": 2, "name": "stuff" },
  {"bits": 6}
 "config": { "bits":16,"lanes":1 }

New section

if you want to add a new section you need to specify in the top index, the index file of the new section. I suggest to name the folder like the section name, but is not required; Sphinx will take the name of the section from the title of the index file.


I want to document the new feature in SpinalHDL, and I want to create a section for it; let’s call it Cheese

So I need to create a folder named Cheese (name is not important), and in it create a index file like:


.. toctree::



The .. toctree:: directive accept some parameters, in this case :glob: makes so you can use the * to include all the remaining files.


The file path is relative to the index file, if you want to specify the absolute path, you need to prepend /


introduction.rst will be always the first on the list because it’s specified in the index file. Other files will be included in alphabetical order.

Now I can add the introduction.rst and other files like cheddar.rst, stilton.rst, etc.

The only thing remaining to do is to add cheese to the top index file like so:

Welcome to SpinalHDL's documentation!

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

   rst/About SpinalHDL/index
   rst/Getting Started/index
   rst/Data types/index
   rst/Sequential logic/index
   rst/Design errors/index
   rst/Other language features/index
   rst/Developers area/index

that’s it, now you can add all you want in cheese and all pages will show up in the documentation.