Instantiate VHDL and Verilog IP
A blackbox allows the user to integrate an existing VHDL/Verilog component into the design by just specifying its interfaces. It’s up to the simulator or synthesizer to do the elaboration correctly.
Defining an blackbox
An example of how to define a blackbox is shown below:
// Define a Ram as a BlackBox
class Ram_1w_1r(wordWidth: Int, wordCount: Int) extends BlackBox {
// Add VHDL Generics / Verilog parameters to the blackbox
// You can use String, Int, Double, Boolean, and all SpinalHDL base
// types as generic values
addGeneric("wordCount", wordCount)
addGeneric("wordWidth", wordWidth)
// Define IO of the VHDL entity / Verilog module
val io = new Bundle {
val clk = in Bool()
val wr = new Bundle {
val en = in Bool()
val addr = in UInt (log2Up(wordCount) bits)
val data = in Bits (wordWidth bits)
val rd = new Bundle {
val en = in Bool()
val addr = in UInt (log2Up(wordCount) bits)
val data = out Bits (wordWidth bits)
// Map the current clock domain to the io.clk pin
will be translated into std_logic
and Bits
into std_logic_vector
. If you want to get std_ulogic
, you have to use a BlackBoxULogic
instead of BlackBox
does not change the generated verilog.class Ram_1w_1r(wordWidth: Int, wordCount: Int) extends BlackBoxULogic {
There are two different ways to declare generics:
class Ram(wordWidth: Int, wordCount: Int) extends BlackBox {
addGeneric("wordCount", wordCount)
addGeneric("wordWidth", wordWidth)
// OR
val generic = new Generic {
val wordCount = Ram.this.wordCount
val wordWidth = Ram.this.wordWidth
Instantiating a blackbox
Instantiating a BlackBox
is just like instantiating a Component
// Create the top level and instantiate the Ram
class TopLevel extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val wr = new Bundle {
val en = in Bool()
val addr = in UInt (log2Up(16) bits)
val data = in Bits (8 bits)
val rd = new Bundle {
val en = in Bool()
val addr = in UInt (log2Up(16) bits)
val data = out Bits (8 bits)
// Instantiate the blackbox
val ram = new Ram_1w_1r(8,16)
// Connect all the signals
io.wr.en <>
io.wr.addr <> <>
io.rd.en <>
io.rd.addr <> <>
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
SpinalVhdl(new TopLevel)
Clock and reset mapping
In your blackbox definition you have to explicitly define clock and reset wires. To map signals of a ClockDomain
to corresponding inputs of the blackbox you can use the mapClockDomain
or mapCurrentClockDomain
function. mapClockDomain
has the following parameters:
name |
type |
default |
description |
clockDomain |
ClockDomain |
ClockDomain.current |
Specify the clockDomain which provides the signals |
clock |
Bool |
Nothing |
Blackbox input which should be connected to the clockDomain clock |
reset |
Bool |
Nothing |
Blackbox input which should be connected to the clockDomain reset |
enable |
Bool |
Nothing |
Blackbox input which should be connected to the clockDomain enable |
has almost the same parameters as mapClockDomain
but without the clockDomain.
For example:
class MyRam(clkDomain: ClockDomain) extends BlackBox {
val io = new Bundle {
val clkA = in Bool()
val clkB = in Bool()
// Clock A is map on a specific clock Domain
mapClockDomain(clkDomain, io.clkA)
// Clock B is map on the current clock domain
io prefix
In order to avoid the prefix “io_” on each of the IOs of the blackbox, you can use the function noIoPrefix()
as shown below :
// Define the Ram as a BlackBox
class Ram_1w_1r(wordWidth: Int, wordCount: Int) extends BlackBox {
val generic = new Generic {
val wordCount = Ram_1w_1r.this.wordCount
val wordWidth = Ram_1w_1r.this.wordWidth
val io = new Bundle {
val clk = in Bool()
val wr = new Bundle {
val en = in Bool()
val addr = in UInt (log2Up(_wordCount) bits)
val data = in Bits (_wordWidth bits)
val rd = new Bundle {
val en = in Bool()
val addr = in UInt (log2Up(_wordCount) bits)
val data = out Bits (_wordWidth bits)
Rename all io of a blackbox
IOs of a BlackBox
or Component
can be renamed at compile-time using the addPrePopTask
This function takes a no-argument function to be applied during compilation, and is useful for adding renaming passes, as shown in the following example:
class MyRam() extends Blackbox {
val io = new Bundle {
val clk = in Bool()
val portA = new Bundle{
val cs = in Bool()
val rwn = in Bool()
val dIn = in Bits(32 bits)
val dOut = out Bits(32 bits)
val portB = new Bundle{
val cs = in Bool()
val rwn = in Bool()
val dIn = in Bits(32 bits)
val dOut = out Bits(32 bits)
// Map the clk
// Remove io_ prefix
// Function used to rename all signals of the blackbox
private def renameIO(): Unit = {
io.flatten.foreach(bt => {
if(bt.getName().contains("portA")) bt.setName(bt.getName().replace("portA_", "") + "_A")
if(bt.getName().contains("portB")) bt.setName(bt.getName().replace("portB_", "") + "_B")
// Execute the function renameIO after the creation of the component
addPrePopTask(() => renameIO())
// This code generate these names:
// clk
// cs_A, rwn_A, dIn_A, dOut_A
// cs_B, rwn_B, dIn_B, dOut_B
Add RTL source
With the function addRTLPath()
you can associate your RTL sources with the blackbox. After the generation of your SpinalHDL code you can call the function mergeRTLSource
to merge all of the sources together.
class MyBlackBox() extends Blackbox {
val io = new Bundle {
val clk = in Bool()
val start = in Bool()
val dIn = in Bits(32 bits)
val dOut = out Bits(32 bits)
val ready = out Bool()
// Map the clk
// Remove io_ prefix
// Add all rtl dependencies
addRTLPath("./rtl/RegisterBank.v") // Add a verilog file
addRTLPath(s"./rtl/myDesign.vhd") // Add a vhdl file
addRTLPath(s"${sys.env("MY_PROJECT")}/myTopLevel.vhd") // Use an environement variable MY_PROJECT (System.getenv("MY_PROJECT"))
class TopLevel() extends Component{
val bb = new MyBlackBox()
val report = SpinalVhdl(new TopLevel)
report.mergeRTLSource("mergeRTL") // Merge all rtl sources into mergeRTL.vhd and mergeRTL.v files
VHDL - No numeric type
If you want to use only std_logic_vector
in your blackbox component, you can add the tag noNumericType
to the blackbox.
class MyBlackBox() extends BlackBox{
val io = new Bundle {
val clk = in Bool()
val increment = in Bool()
val initValue = in UInt(8 bits)
val counter = out UInt(8 bits)
addTag(noNumericType) // Only std_logic_vector
The code above will generate the following VHDL:
component MyBlackBox is
clk : in std_logic;
increment : in std_logic;
initValue : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
counter : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end component;