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Width mismatch


SpinalHDL will check that operators and signals on the left and right side of assignments have the same widths.

Assignment example

The following code:

class TopLevel extends Component {
  val a = UInt(8 bits)
  val b = UInt(4 bits)
  b := a

will throw:

WIDTH MISMATCH on (toplevel/b :  UInt[4 bits]) := (toplevel/a :  UInt[8 bits]) at
  Source file location of the OR operator via the stack trace

A fix could be:

class TopLevel extends Component {
  val a = UInt(8 bits)
  val b = UInt(4 bits)
  b := a.resized

Operator example

The following code:

class TopLevel extends Component {
  val a = UInt(8 bits)
  val b = UInt(4 bits)
  val result = a | b

will throw:

WIDTH MISMATCH on (UInt | UInt)[8 bits]
- Left  operand : (toplevel/a :  UInt[8 bits])
- Right operand : (toplevel/b :  UInt[4 bits])
  Source file location of the OR operator via the stack trace

A fix could be:

class TopLevel extends Component {
  val a = UInt(8 bits)
  val b = UInt(4 bits)
  val result = a | (b.resized)