Preserving names
This page will describe how SpinalHDL propagate names from the scala code to the generated hardware. Knowing them should enable you to preserve those names as much as possible to generate understandable netlists.
Nameable base class
All the things which can be named in SpinalHDL extends the Nameable base class which.
So in practice, the following classes extends Nameable :
Data (UInt, SInt, Bundle, …)
There is a few example of that Nameable API
class MyComponent extends Component {
val a, b, c, d = Bool()
b.setName("rawrr") // Force name
c.setName("rawrr", weak = true) // Propose a name, will not be applied if a stronger name is already applied
d.setCompositeName(b, postfix = "wuff") // Force toto to be named as b.getName() + _wuff"
Will generation :
module MyComponent (
wire a;
wire rawrr;
wire c;
wire rawrr_wuff;
In general, you don’t realy need to access that API, unless you want to do tricky stuff for debug reasons or for elaboration purposes.
Name extraction from Scala
First, since version 1.4.0, SpinalHDL use a scala compiler plugin which can provide a call back each time a new val is defined during the construction of an class.
There is a example showing more or less how SpinalHDL itself is implemented :
//spinal.idslplugin.ValCallback is the Scala compiler plugin feature which will provide the callbacks
class Component extends spinal.idslplugin.ValCallback {
override def valCallback[T](ref: T, name: String) : T = {
println(s"Got $ref named $name") // Here we just print what we got as a demo.
class UInt
class Bits
class MyComponent extends Component {
val two = 2
val wuff = "miaou"
val toto = new UInt
val rawrr = new Bits
object Debug3 extends App {
new MyComponent()
// ^ This will print :
// Got 2 named two
// Got miaou named wuff
// Got spinal.tester.code.sandbox.UInt@691a7f8f named toto
// Got spinal.tester.code.sandbox.Bits@161b062a named rawrr
Using that ValCallback “introspection” feature, SpinalHDL’s Component classes are able to be aware of their content and the content’s name.
But this also mean that if you want something to get a name, and you only rely on this automatic naming feature, the reference to your Data (UInt, SInt, …) instances should be stored somewhere in a Component val.
For instance :
class MyComponent extends Component {
val a,b = in UInt(8 bits) // Will be properly named
val toto = out UInt(8 bits) // same
def doStuff(): Unit = {
val tmp = UInt(8 bits) // This will not be named, as it isn't stored anywhere in a
// component val (but there is a solution explained later)
tmp := 0x20
toto := tmp
Will generate :
module MyComponent (
input [7:0] a,
input [7:0] b,
output [7:0] toto
// Note that the tmp signal defined in scala was "shortcuted" by SpinalHDL,
// as it was unamed and technicaly "shortcutable"
assign toto = 8'h20;
Area in a Component
One important aspect in the naming system is that you can define new namespaces inside components and manipulate
For instance via Area :
class MyComponent extends Component {
val logicA = new Area { // This define a new namespace named "logicA
val toggle = Reg(Bool()) // This register will be named "logicA_toggle"
toggle := !toggle
Will generate
module MyComponent (
input clk,
input reset
reg logicA_toggle;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
logicA_toggle <= (! logicA_toggle);
Area in a function
You can also define function which will create new Area which will provide a namespace for all its content :
class MyComponent extends Component {
def isZero(value: UInt) = new Area {
val comparator = value === 0
val value = in UInt (8 bits)
val someLogic = isZero(value)
val result = out Bool()
result := someLogic.comparator
Which will generate :
module MyComponent (
input [7:0] value,
output result
wire someLogic_comparator;
assign someLogic_comparator = (value == 8'h0);
assign result = someLogic_comparator;
Composite in a function
Added in SpinalHDL 1.5.0, Composite which allow you to create a scope which will use as prefix another Nameable:
class MyComponent extends Component {
// Basicaly, a Composite is an Area that use its construction parameter as namespace prefix
def isZero(value: UInt) = new Composite(value) {
val comparator = value === 0
}.comparator // Note we don't return the Composite,
// but the element of the composite that we are interested in
val value = in UInt (8 bits)
val result = out Bool()
result := isZero(value)
Will generate :
module MyComponent (
input [7:0] value,
output result
wire value_comparator;
assign value_comparator = (value == 8'h0);
assign result = value_comparator;
Composite chains
You can also chain composites :
class MyComponent extends Component {
def isZero(value: UInt) = new Composite(value) {
val comparator = value === 0
def inverted(value: Bool) = new Composite(value) {
val inverter = !value
val value = in UInt(8 bits)
val result = out Bool()
result := inverted(isZero(value))
Will generate :
module MyComponent (
input [7:0] value,
output result
wire value_comparator;
wire value_comparator_inverter;
assign value_comparator = (value == 8'h0);
assign value_comparator_inverter = (! value_comparator);
assign result = value_comparator_inverter;
Composite in a Bundle’s function
This behaviour can be very useful when implementing Bundle utilities. For instance in the spinal.lib.Stream class is defined the following :
class Stream[T <: Data](val payloadType : HardType[T]) extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool()
val ready = Bool()
val payload = payloadType()
def queue(size: Int): Stream[T] = new Composite(this) {
val fifo = new StreamFifo(payloadType, size) << self // 'self' refers to the Composite construction argument ('this' in
// the example). It avoids having to do a boring 'Stream.this'
def m2sPipe(): Stream[T] = new Composite(this) {
val m2sPipe = Stream(payloadType)
val rValid = RegInit(False)
val rData = Reg(payloadType)
self.ready := (!m2sPipe.valid) || m2sPipe.ready
when(self.ready) {
rValid := self.valid
rData := self.payload
m2sPipe.valid := rValid
m2sPipe.payload := rData
Which allow nested calls while preserving the names :
class MyComponent extends Component {
val source = slave(Stream(UInt(8 bits)))
val sink = master(Stream(UInt(8 bits)))
sink << source.queue(size = 16).m2sPipe()
Will generate
module MyComponent (
input source_valid,
output source_ready,
input [7:0] source_payload,
output sink_valid,
input sink_ready,
output [7:0] sink_payload,
input clk,
input reset
wire source_fifo_io_pop_ready;
wire source_fifo_io_push_ready;
wire source_fifo_io_pop_valid;
wire [7:0] source_fifo_io_pop_payload;
wire [4:0] source_fifo_io_occupancy;
wire [4:0] source_fifo_io_availability;
wire source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_valid;
wire source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_ready;
wire [7:0] source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_payload;
reg source_fifo_io_pop_rValid;
reg [7:0] source_fifo_io_pop_rData;
StreamFifo source_fifo (
.io_push_valid (source_valid ), //i
.io_push_ready (source_fifo_io_push_ready ), //o
.io_push_payload (source_payload ), //i
.io_pop_valid (source_fifo_io_pop_valid ), //o
.io_pop_ready (source_fifo_io_pop_ready ), //i
.io_pop_payload (source_fifo_io_pop_payload ), //o
.io_flush (1'b0 ), //i
.io_occupancy (source_fifo_io_occupancy ), //o
.io_availability (source_fifo_io_availability ), //o
.clk (clk ), //i
.reset (reset ) //i
assign source_ready = source_fifo_io_push_ready;
assign source_fifo_io_pop_ready = ((1'b1 && (! source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_valid)) || source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_ready);
assign source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_valid = source_fifo_io_pop_rValid;
assign source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_payload = source_fifo_io_pop_rData;
assign sink_valid = source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_valid;
assign source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_ready = sink_ready;
assign sink_payload = source_fifo_io_pop_m2sPipe_payload;
always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
source_fifo_io_pop_rValid <= 1'b0;
end else begin
source_fifo_io_pop_rValid <= source_fifo_io_pop_valid;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
source_fifo_io_pop_rData <= source_fifo_io_pop_payload;
Unamed signal handling
Since 1.5.0, for signal which end up without name, SpinalHDL will find a signal which is driven by that unamed signal and propagate its name. This can produce useful results as long you don’t have too large island of unamed stuff.
The name attributed to such unamed signal is : _zz_ + drivenSignal.getName()
Note that this naming pattern is also used by the generation backend when they need to breakup some specific expressions or long chain of expression into multiple signals.
Verilog expression splitting
There is an instance of expressions (ex : the + operator) that SpinalHDL need to express in dedicated signals to match the behaviour with the Scala API :
class MyComponent extends Component {
val a,b,c,d = in UInt(8 bits)
val result = a + b + c + d
Will generate
module MyComponent (
input [7:0] a,
input [7:0] b,
input [7:0] c,
input [7:0] d
wire [7:0] _zz_result;
wire [7:0] _zz_result_1;
wire [7:0] result;
assign _zz_result = (_zz_result_1 + c);
assign _zz_result_1 = (a + b);
assign result = (_zz_result + d);
Verilog long expression splitting
There is a instance of how a very long expression chain will be splited up by SpinalHDL :
class MyComponent extends Component {
val conditions = in Vec(Bool(), 64)
// Perform a logical OR between all the condition elements
val result = conditions.reduce(_ || _)
// For Bits/UInt/SInt signals the 'orR' methods implements this reduction operation
Will generate
module MyComponent (
input conditions_0,
input conditions_1,
input conditions_2,
input conditions_3,
input conditions_58,
input conditions_59,
input conditions_60,
input conditions_61,
input conditions_62,
input conditions_63
wire _zz_result;
wire _zz_result_1;
wire _zz_result_2;
wire result;
assign _zz_result = ((((((((((((((((_zz_result_1 || conditions_32) || conditions_33) || conditions_34) || conditions_35) || conditions_36) || conditions_37) || conditions_38) || conditions_39) || conditions_40) || conditions_41) || conditions_42) || conditions_43) || conditions_44) || conditions_45) || conditions_46) || conditions_47);
assign _zz_result_1 = ((((((((((((((((_zz_result_2 || conditions_16) || conditions_17) || conditions_18) || conditions_19) || conditions_20) || conditions_21) || conditions_22) || conditions_23) || conditions_24) || conditions_25) || conditions_26) || conditions_27) || conditions_28) || conditions_29) || conditions_30) || conditions_31);
assign _zz_result_2 = (((((((((((((((conditions_0 || conditions_1) || conditions_2) || conditions_3) || conditions_4) || conditions_5) || conditions_6) || conditions_7) || conditions_8) || conditions_9) || conditions_10) || conditions_11) || conditions_12) || conditions_13) || conditions_14) || conditions_15);
assign result = ((((((((((((((((_zz_result || conditions_48) || conditions_49) || conditions_50) || conditions_51) || conditions_52) || conditions_53) || conditions_54) || conditions_55) || conditions_56) || conditions_57) || conditions_58) || conditions_59) || conditions_60) || conditions_61) || conditions_62) || conditions_63);
When statement condition
The when(cond) { } statements condition are generated into separated signals named when_ + fileName + line. A similar thing will also be done for switch statements.
//In file Test.scala
class MyComponent extends Component {
val value = in UInt(8 bits)
val isZero = out(Bool())
val counter = out(Reg(UInt(8 bits)))
isZero := False
when(value === 0) { // At line 117
isZero := True
counter := counter + 1
Will generate
module MyComponent (
input [7:0] value,
output reg isZero,
output reg [7:0] counter,
input clk,
input reset
wire when_Test_l117;
always @ (*) begin
isZero = 1'b0;
isZero = 1'b1;
assign when_Test_l117 = (value == 8'h0);
always @ (posedge clk) begin
counter <= (counter + 8'h01);
In last resort
In last resort, if a signal has no name (anonymous signal), SpinalHDL will seek for a named signal which is driven by the anonymous signal, and use it as a name postfix :
class MyComponent extends Component {
val enable = in Bool()
val value = out UInt(8 bits)
def count(cond : Bool): UInt = {
val ret = Reg(UInt(8 bits)) // This register is not named (on purpose for the example)
when(cond) {
ret := ret + 1
return ret
value := count(enable)
Will generate
module MyComponent (
input enable,
output [7:0] value,
input clk,
input reset
// Name given to the register in last resort by looking what was driven by it
reg [7:0] _zz_value;
assign value = _zz_value;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
_zz_value <= (_zz_value + 8'h01);
This last resort naming skim isn’t ideal in all cases, but can help out.
Note that signal starting with a underscore aren’t stored in the Verilator waves (on purpose)